Coming up!
Necessary Nonsense
We are inviting young actors in grades 2-6 to be part of the Theater Alaska Kids Company and cellebrate their silliness!
Neccesary Nonsense is a play created from the writing of Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll. Led by director/creator/instructor Elizabeth Pisel-Davis, the production is a rollocking frolic of adventures, friendship, poppycock & bravery.
-Rehearsals will be from January 27-March 12
-Tuesday & Thursday, 4:30pm-6:00pm
-February only, add Sunday afternoon
Public Performances: March 14-16
School Performances: March 17-21
Tuition: $400
Scholarships are available
Interested? Contact Elizabeth at elizabeth@theateralaska.org.
Theater Alaska Theater Camp
Theater Alaska is partnering with Juneau Fine Arts Camp and Juneau Dance Theatre to provide professional theater training in the summer for youth to Alaska. Classes offered in 2024 have included musical theater training for students in grades 1-12 and Shakespeare training for grades 4-12. Teachers included Ericka Lee, Donnie Gott, and Broadway performers Q. Smith, Billy Bustamente, Lawrence Stallings, and Julian De Guzman.
Alaska Theater Festival: Radio Play Writing
With KTOO, Theater Alaska is presenting writing radio play writing workshops at Yaakoosge Daakahidi and Juneau Douglas High School in 2024. Led by instructor Ryan Conarro, the students are collaborating with each other to write group-written plays that will be presented as a part of the Alaska Theater Festival: Radio Plays in January/Feburary 2025 at KTOO. These plays will be directed by professional directors and feature a company of professional actors.
High School Programs
Theater Alaska is working with English teachers at Juneau Douglas High School (JDHS), Yakoosge Daakahidi, and Thunder Mountain High School (TMHS) to introduce students to plays through participation in theater exercises and active discussion of themes and the theatrical artform. We are also bringing theater annually to all three high schools to ensure that students have the opportunity to see and interact with professional theater that represents them as individuals. In 2024, Theater Alaska presented A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath and Every Brilliant Thing by Duncan Macmillan with Jonny Donahoe as a part of this initiative.
We are developing programs to introduce students to a broad range of writers, including Alaskan Native playwright and Theater Alaska writer-in-residence Frank Katasse. Additionally, each year students at JDHS and TMHS study Romeo and Juliet (9th Grade) and Much Ado About Nothing (10th Grade), and Theater Alaska is working to provide annual support to English teachers to make the teaching of theatrical scripts active and empowering to students. This is particularly important during this period of time when teachers are looking for assistance in making online lessons more participatory. Theater exercises get students on their feet and into their bodies to effectively communicate their ideas as individuals and within groups.
This work is made possible through funding from the Artful Teaching project administered by Juneau Arts and Humanities Council and supported by Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies. The Artful Teaching project is a collaborative effort between the Juneau School District, University of Alaska Southeast, and Juneau Arts and Humanities Council. www.artfulteaching.org.
For more information regarding Theater Alaska’s education programs, please contact Flordelino Lagundino at flordelino@theateralaska.org.