Corina Chase

Corina Chase designs costumes for theater, opera, dance, and film. Recent credits include The Panic of ’29 (Off-Broadway, dir. Max Friedman), Sing, Goddess! (dir. Inés Braun) at HERE Arts Center, Sixth Exit (chor. Nicole Philippidis) for 277 Dance Project, Noirtown (dir. Charlotte Murray) at the Rave Theater Festival, an immersive performance staged in the Clemente Center, Bound (dir. Ashley Tata) for Fresh Squeezed Opera, and Three Days in the Country (dir. Tazewell Thompson) for NYU/Tisch Graduate Acting. Her costumes were featured in a production of Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights (dir. Abby Colella), which won a 2013 NY Innovative Theatre Award for Outstanding Performance Art Piece, and her designs for Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play (dir. Connie Crawford) were nominated for Best Costume Design for a University Production in the 2016 Motif Theater Awards. She received an MFA in Costume Design from NYU/Tisch in 2019. She currently works for The Metropolitan Opera.